Canada Votes

Canada Votes 2019!

It is that time, it is voting season. The average Canadian aged 18 to 37 needs to get out and vote. For the first time in Canadian history, millenials outweigh the baby boomers. Your opinion matters, get out there and vote.

With that being said, vote and enjoy, no matter what is to come I suspect we will, as Canadians, be in a whirlwind next few years.

Check out the link below if you are interested in seeing the stats!

Voting is integral to a democracy, it is something that we should pride ourselves in doing when the option arises for us. Whether you know who you are voting for will win or lose, do not say to yourself, “Oh we will win” or “Or we will lose anyway”, vote, you never know how things will go, and that is important. If everyone who said those two statements above actually went out and voted, the results at the polling stations would be significantly different.

If you haven’t already hit the advanced polls, try and hit the ones right now, your vote matters, it counts, it makes a difference.

Shoulder Day 21 October 2019

When it comes to shoulders, never skip them! Here is a solid routine!

So before I begin on this, I don’t follow the rules when it comes to lifting, there are certain exercises that they say, are well, bad for you. However I have had amazing results with them, I believe they are only bad when done improperly. So going forward, if you think these exercises should not be done, remember, its probably a bad idea, if you don’t know what you are doing.

I always get a little bit of a pump in the ole biceps, even on shoulder day!

Main routine:

  • Behind head standing shoulder press (bar)
  • In front of head standing shoulder press (bar)
  • Front raises (bar)
  • Front upright raises (bar)
  • Cable Rope Pull (face)

All of these exercises are done with whatever weight you feel comfortable with, so long as you are on the edge of your max, if by the 3rd rep it is still easy, you need more weight. 5 sets, 10 reps per set. Make’em count!

The muscle definition in the shoulders is a pretty thing!


  • Bicep curls (dumbell)
  • Kettlebell squats
  • Back extensions

As always, burners are maximum of 3 sets per exercise, and 10 reps per exercise. Burners are to occupy any time you have left. My routines are designed for 45 minutes to an hour, if you have time left over at the end of the routine, hit the burners. Else-wise, good workout!

When it comes to shoulders, I see a lot of people skip them and then wonder why they cannot bench heavier weight. Well, your shoulders, much like your core, act as a stabalizer for your chest, you need the shoulder strength to help stabalize your bench. More than one person I’ve trained has had this issue and when attacking the shoulders, we seen immediate results on the bench. Never forget shoulders.